2024 AGM

2024 Annual General Meeting

The Studio, Matthews Hall, Topsham

Tuesday 16th July 2024 at 7.00 pm

Open to all members of Topsham Community Association Ltd. If you are unable to attend the meeting, under section 324 of the Companies Act 2006 and article 20 of the Topsham Community Association Ltd articles, you may appoint a proxy to attend, vote and speak on your behalf.

Should you wish to exercise this right, please contact the Hall Manager by email at [email protected] to request a proxy form.

Questions can be submitted prior to the AGM by emailing the Hall Manager at [email protected] and can also be asked on the night.

Annual Report and Unaudited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 August 2023


  1. Chair’s Welcome (Alastair Mumford)
  2. Apologies (Alastair Mumford)
  3. Chair’s Report (Alastair Mumford)
    Precis of the year and a look ahead.
  4. Treasurer’s Report (John Troy)
    Overview of the accounts and vote to approve them
  5. Directors
    5.1 Retiring and re-election
    Proposer [en bloc]: Seconder:
    5.2 The following people joined the board after the last AGM and are standing for formal election:
    • Tracy Bailey
    • Max Johnson
      Proposer [en bloc]: Seconder:
  6. Any other business